Sunday, September 13, 2009

To my dear friend/husband Yusef

I miss you like the desert misses the rain
Sounds like a tune
But my feelings remain untouched
Though you had my body
Still was I lost in love

Wondering what my life would’ve been
A different path chosen
Stability they call it
Tender tis not on the loveless heart

For I am a wild one
In need of a wilder still
My storm is surfing
Fear of remaining alone
A choice was made which I still regret
Under pressure never results

Fear I no longer have
As life has taught me well
To digest each day as is given
Then to bang you till you seek adjust
Family they say is what is in need
Hush yay please for I was not present
In the making of relatives
And have to bear them and pretense be made

But you my dear husband I so told before
of other flowers in my play yard
Did you not notice how blooming was i
A forever sun ray and rainbow
I give great thanks to your sincerity and pretense
In heavens name to figure me out all in vain

For a jerk I have turned out to be
Sorry and regret eat at me day in and out
As times passes I do become more fearless
Have hurt the best of friends
Who put up with me till the end
Sacrificed all good intentions
Denied by the jerk in me
Broken friendships and family all gone
Whining I may sound to be for all is broken
Alone with the guilt I must live

I am better now and less a danger to myself
Need more time to me than words can utter
Travel I must and see the world
A guide I wont need for my prayers will suffice
As my spirit reloads on a hopeful happiness
That was and will be
For not a care in the world have I.....